Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The planet of love,
the 1st and last star in the sky
kissed the sun today.

And we spoke of being ourselves,
we spoke of faith
and fear,

learning to fit in,
to shave down our octagonal edges

to fit in square boxes
to grow edges on our circular beings
to fit in rectangular peg holes.

We found scars
filled with the hardened tissue of judgment and discrimination,
we softened scar tissue
with our own tears and the un-owned tears of our lineages.

We looked our beliefs in the eyes;
the guards to our sacred temples,
and we held them dearly
and thanked them for their hard hard work

we knew it was time to let the world in
to let them in,
to bend and bow and pray.

We are all puzzle pieces
but the world will not fit together
as long as we are hiding our true shapes,
distorting our true visions
emanating through our surfaces
from our depths
and in the amalgamations of our interconnected being.

The planet of love,
the 1st and last star in the sky
kissed the sun today.

I wanted to kiss you
Instead we kissed our love
from heart to flesh
from flesh to seed,

and we planted our love in our presence and grew faith,
a loving knowing flowering field
choreographed in wind
basking in the sweet force pouring from the earth,
the heavens, and within.

We harvested the audacity to drop concern for opinion like fall leaves
and to surrender to the rhythm abounding from our seed
as life itself made sweet love of us, to us, with us, from us…

the planet of love,
the 1st and last star in the sky
kissed me today
and reminded me we’re in love.

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